Sea Asia 2017

The MPO-MPA project team participated at Sea Asia 2017, a bi-annual event showcasing the latest technology products for the maritime industry. Sea Asia 2017 was held at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre, Singapore from 25 April to 27 April. MPO-MPA team consisting of researchers from SMU, A*Star and Fujitsu, the team showcased the integrated research work on Intelligent Vessel Traffic Management System.

Professor Lau explaining the research work.
The team interacting with the crowd.

A broad spectrum of audience - ship owners, people in the business of maritime publication as well as researchers working on similar scope of works visited our booth.

This exhibition has been an enriching and interesting experience for the team. A version of the integrated work leading to the final outcome was made possible as a result of participation in this exhibition. The exhibition has served the team well as a platform for showcasing their work and also promoted greater integration of the work. Beyond this exhibition, the team will continue to work on perfecting the integrated demonstration of their work.

Click HERE to view more photos on Sea Asia 2017.


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