

From left: Wang Rui, Rachel Tay, Keerthana Ramesh, Saumya Bhatnagar, Han Chung-Kyun, Arambam James Singh, Liu Jialin, Tanvi Verma and Xing Si Yuan

1st row from left: Loh Wei Jun, Lin Qianpin, Tanvi Verma, Han Chung-Kyun, Nguyen Duc Thien & Jonanthan Ng

2nd row from left: Manisha Goyal, Dong Ruiyan & Yo Wee King


UNiCEN Scholars

Chung-Kyun Han

Thesis Title: Efficient Algorithms for Trajectory-Aware Mobile Crowdsourcing
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen                     

Tanvi Verma

Thesis Title: Scalable Reinforcement Learning in Anonymous Multi-Agent Settings
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Pradeep Varakantham

Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Arambam James Singh

Thesis Title: Representation & Learning With Large Agent Population
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Akshat Kumar
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin




Nguyen Duc Thien

Thesis Title: Reinforcement Learning for Collective Multi-Agent Decision Making
Faculty Supervisor:
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Joe Waldy

Thesis Title: Data-Driven Resource Optimization                                       
Faculty Supervisor:
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Larry Lin

Thesis Title: Modelling Movement Decisions in Networks: A Discrete Choice Model Approach
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Meghna Lowalekar

Thesis Title: Online Spatio Temporal Demand Supply Matching                                                            
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Pradeep Varakantham

Du Jiali

Thesis Title: Proactive and Reactive Strategies to Handle Surges in Urban Crowds                                                             
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin 

Le Truc Viet

Thesis Title: An Integrated Framework for Modelling and Predicting Spatiotemporal Phenomena in Urban Environments
Faculty Supervisor:
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Pritee Agrawal

Thesis Title: Proactive and Reactive Resource/Task Allocation for Agent Teams in Uncertain Environments
Faculty Supervisor:
A/Prof. Pradeep Varakantham

Song Ruidian (Tsinghua University)

Thesis Title: Coordinated Urban Delivery                                                            
Project Supervisor:
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin



Year 2020

Low Geng Hong

Project Title: Quantum Supply Chain Finance
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Cheng Chi

Project Title: Airline Crew Rostering
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Lee Chun Yat

Project Title: Solving Cab-Sharing Problem with Digital Annealer
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Year 2019

Kang Long

Project Title: Incidents Forecasting and Attributes Estimation using GANs for Grand Vision Project
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Bo Jianyuan

Project Title: Digital Annealing
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Jeffery Yeo

Project Title: Transportation of Hazardous Materials under Uncertainty Conditions
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Ritesh Sampat

Project Title: DigiPlex
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Bertran Queck Kiian Leong

Project Title: Electric Vehicle Route Planning
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Year 2018

Sun Haiyang

Project Title: Dynamic Predictive Analytics of Crimes and Incidents
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Manu Geroge Mathew

Project Title: Prediction of Demand at Taxi Stands in Singapore​
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Year 2017

Wang Rui

Project Title: Explanatory and Predictive Analysis of Crime Pattern
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Xing Siyuan

Project Title: Impact of Dynamic Pricing on Taxi Drivers’ Behavior
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Saumya Bhatnagar

Project Title: Maritime Port Optimisation (MPO) - Maritime Port Authority​ (MPA)
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Akshat Kumar

Liu Jialin

Project Title: Urban Security​
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Keerthana Ramesh

Project Title: Bus-Plus​
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Year 2016

Sofiah Binte Saharudin

Project Title: An Empirical Study of Vehicular Flows At A Cargo Port in Singapore
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Guo Zhiling / A/Prof. Tan Kar Way

Year 2015

Guo Jing

Project Title: Improving Bus Service Through Flexible Dispatch Policy
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Cheng Yew Yih

Project Title: Bid Price Markup Model (Feedback Mechanism for Bidders)
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin



Year 2020

Ker Weixiang

Project Title: Collaborative Urban Delivery Optimisation
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Joel Tay Da Yuan

Project Title: Collaborative Urban Delivery Optimisation
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Ashley Lau Bing Heng

Project Title: Collaborative Urban Delivery Optimisation
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Year 2019

Patrick Lim Yan Hong

Project Title: Maritime Port Authority (MPA)
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Hao Bowen

Project Title: Collaborative Urban Delivery Optimisation (CUDO) Frontend Development
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Lai Yangsiyu

Project Title: Collaborative Urban Delivery Optimisation (CUDO) Analytics​
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Year 2018

Sahan Chamara

Project Title: Maritime Traffic Management - Spatial Coordination
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Akshat Kumar

Darshana Rathnayake

Project Title: Prediction with Mobility Data
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Chirath Diyagama

Project Title: Taxi demand prediction using ARIMA and related prediction models
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Year 2017

Menusha Munasinghe

Project Title: Taxi Driver Guidance System​ (DGS)
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Prabod Rathnayaka

Project Title: Large-Scale Crowd Simulation Based on Real-World Data​
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Lim ShiQuan

Project Title: Ministry of Home Affair
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Rachel Tay

Project Title: Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) Project
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Li Xiaoxiao Lilian

Project Title: Suntec Conference/ Convention Planning System Testbedded at AAMAS
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Year 2016

Lin Qianpin

Project Title: Data analysis & Frontend development
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Loh Wei Jun

Project Title: Suntec Project
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Yo Wee King

Project Title: Development of applications
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Jonanthan Ng

Project Title: Taxi Analytics
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Dong Ruiyan

Project Title: Frontend Development of Application for LTA project
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Manisha Goyal

Project Title: Development of Y3 eMarket
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Year 2015

Vijayendiran Akshay

Project Title: Ride Sharing Field Trial
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen

Lu Ning

Project Title: Taxi Analytics
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Cheng Shih-Fen


Project Title: Collaborative Logistics in Urban Environment (CLUE)
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin

Seah Siu Ngee

Project Title: Maritime & Port Optimisation (MPO) Jurong Port Geographical Modeling and Simulation Prototype
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Tan Kar Way

Ken Trinh Hiep Dang Khoa

Project Title: Maritime & Port Optimisation (MPO) Jurong Port Geographical Modeling and Simulation Prototype
Faculty Supervisor: A/Prof. Tan Kar Way

He Wen Xuan

Project Title: Demand Profile Visualisation Web Application
Faculty Supervisor: Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin


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