2016 Round Table Discussion on Urban Logistics Challenges & Innovations

UNiCEN organised the 2016 Round Table Discussion on Urban Logistics Challenges & Innovations on 18 October 2016.  Invited speakers from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Netherlands), SCG Consulting Group, YCH and Zyllum shared their experiences and insights on logistic supply chain and urban mobility in Europe, China and Singapore.  Speakers from government agencies (IMDA & JTC) shared the lessons learnt in implementation of logistics initiatives as well as the plans for tomorrow’s freight and logistics space.

Wrapping up the event, the invited speakers and guests had a good exchange of ideas and views on the development of supply chain logistics.  The group in unison reckoned that buy-in from various stakeholders in logistics space and volume are crucial for consolidation of operations to work.

Prof Tom Van Woensel from Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, delivering Keynote Address.


Mr New Soon Tee from Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA), sharing the initiatives implementation.



Mr Dean Tan from JTC Corporation, shared how land-scarce Singapore prepare for urban logistics excellence for 2030 and beyond.



Click here to view more photos about this event.



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