To be a world-renowned global city university, tackling the world’s complexities, impacting humanity positively.
Since Vision 2025 was first unveiled in 2014, SMU has steadily grown in the breadth and depth of our accomplishments.
We have successfully made meaningful impact in myriad ways on our economy and society.
From 2020, we enter the second phase of this journey, at a time when the world is facing new challenges and opportunities –
not least those presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our university must respond and refocus our resources and energies accordingly.
SMU has selected three priorities that serve as cross-disciplinary focal points cutting across our Schools
and focusing our efforts on areas of particular economic and social relevance to our nation and region.
These priorities were selected because they
Our cross-disciplinary strategies create impact in the three priorities through strengthening SMU’s reputation among students and employers,
conducting leading research with direct societal impact, and building a green and digitally connected university.
Implementing our strategies and initiatives will require the support of an enabling infrastructure.
Distinctive enablers that are critical to our success
Strengthen industry engagement through a dedicated unit
Support all innovation and entrepreneurship activities through a university-level body
Expand our international footprint and connections through like-minded partners and institutions
Develop more integrated OneSMU approaches in multiple activities and offerings
Foundational enablers
Retain, develop and attract world-class faculty, staff and researchers
Attract high-quality students with strong potential
Engage alumni, donors and advisory boards
Establish a robust financial base
Ensure adequate physical space / facilities and digital infrastructure / services
Build a strong research support infrastructure
Together, this constitutes our university strategic plan. It gives us focus, provided in the form of a framework of strategies and enablers,
with specific strategic and enabling initiatives to carry through the Vision, within which there is freedom to come up with new ideas and initiatives.
Download the SMU 2025 Compendium here
Last updated on 4 Mar 2021.