Mobile and wearable based sensing & analytics offer a variety of new ways to observe, understand and predict individual and collective behaviour in the “physical world” — in venues such as malls, office campuses and airports. Such insights are critical for a variety of next-generation services, such as smarter retail offerings (e.g., delivering a promotion only when a group of friends is observed to spend time looking for shoes in a mall), operational alerts (e.g., on-demand janitorial services when a surge of visitors use the restrooms at an airport terminal) and information feeds (e.g., providing visitors with real-time queuing delay estimates at different food outlets). Through a series of innovative software technologies, we enables venue-owners, venue-operators and merchants to deliver such novel services.
Our location tracking software allows venue operators to capture the movement traces of individuals (assumed to be equipped with Wi-Fi enabled personal devices) in indoor environments. Such capture occurs in a device-agnostic manner (e.g., supporting Android, iOS and Windows devices), without requiring any software download or tweaking of such personal devices. In addition, our algorithms use the underlying location traces to infer additional insights—for example, accurately distinguishing between individuals who move alone vs. in groups, as well the size of such groups. Most importantly, we offer an easy-to-use software platform that operators of such public spaces can use to “close the loop”—i.e., utilize such insights to conduct real-world context-based consumer behavioral trials.
Last updated on 08 Apr 2016 .