Market Trends & Opportunities
Wi-Fi networks and public Wi-Fi access has become ubiquitous in thousands of public venues. Leverage the indoor location tracking capability of such networks to transparently understand the movement behaviour of visitors inside such venues.
Location-based marketing is rapidly becoming the norm in malls. However, location is often a poor indicator of a person’s true preferences and interests. Our advanced context sensing capabilities help retailers with smarter targeting of their offerings, reducing “marketing spam”! Usage of mobile Apps and related technologies (e.g., mobile payments such as Apple Pay) continue to exhibit phenomenal growth. Use our panel of young adults on the SMU campus to rapidly test prototypes of such new mobile Apps and services, and thus reduce their time-to-market.
Customer Benefits
With the use of our technologies, venue partners such as malls, convention centers, office campuses and airports, will enable businesses to customize and deliver relevant location specific messages to their customers. This personalized location specific incentives allow customers market leadership through our innovative technology driven solutions.
Using our multiplatform (Android, iOS and Windows devices) technology, retailers and venue owners will have the capability to deliver targeted and customized promotions or incentives that are location aware in real time. For market researchers, we can conduct advanced in-situ trials to help discover consumer responses to, and preferences for, various type of incentives and mobile services.
Last updated on 08 Apr 2016 .