Incentive-based Crowd Management


The crowd management technology aims to mitigate congestion in transportation modes, especially at the end of a large scale event, by changing people’s behaviour, while enhancing their experience. Optimised recommendation provided through mobile app consists of an assortment of options which are combinations of transportation mode, estimated congestion levels and incentives such as coupons. Our optimization technology considers user profit and social welfare at the same time, and provides well-designed options to help user choose appropriate egress time which helps to disperse congestion as well as allows user to enjoy incentives. To consider the individual preferences about egress behaviour, this technology analyses and employs visitors’ egress choice behaviour, which includes the effect of congestion and incentives, and iteratively constructs an egress behaviour choice model to be applied to the recommendation system.

Mobile application for Crowd Management

Mobile application for Crowd Management

Our optimisation technology considers user profit and social welfare at the same time and provides well-designed options to make the user choose appropriate egress time to help to disperse congestion.

Our technology will be able to solve a challenging urban mobility problem by providing further capacity without extra investment in infrastructure and converting congestion to consumption.

It is a system beneficial to multiple parties, such as organiser of the large-scale event, organiser of the conference, retailers near the event venue, facility management of event venue or shopping mall, operators of public transport etc.

The potential applicable locations and areas include:
  • Shopping mall
  • Sports stadium
  • Entertainment facility
  • Public transportation
  • Conference centre
  • Event participants or customers will expect to increase their user experience and safety in or near the facility with less congestion.
  • Event participants can expect monetary or non-monetary incentives.
  • Retailers near event venue will expect higher revenue because event participants will make longer dwell in the facility to avoid congestion.
  • Operators of event venue will expect to improve safety at the facility with less investment in infrastructure by dispersing crowded situation.

Simulation without App

Simulation with App



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