
This website provides important information about the Whistleblowing policy (“WB policy”). The policy provides guidelines on how to report, what to report and who to report to when an improper activity is noted, and the protection given to the person who made the report in good faith and in accordance with the WB policy.
For incidents related to research and innovation grants administered by the Academic Research Division (ARD), Research and Management Information Division's Coprorate Research Office (CRO) and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), you may submit your report by completing this online form or by directly writing to: or
1. A Whistleblower may make a report through the various communication channels as follows:
Communication Channels
Whistleblowing Hotline : 6828 9669
Whistleblowing Email :
Note that the whistleblowing hotline is meant solely for the filing of protected reports. For undergraduate admission matters, please call +65 6828 0980. All other general queries should be directed to the SMU main line +65 6828 0100.
(i) Principal Receiving Officer
Designation: Director, Office of Internal Audit
Or write to:
81 Victoria Street Administration Building S188065
Attention to The Office of Internal Audit
(ii) Other Receiving Officers
Designation: President
Designation: Audit Committee Chairperson
Mark Confidential and submit c/o SMU Office of President
(Report to Audit Committee Chairperson can only be made via hardcopy)
2. To facilitate investigation on the protected report received, a Whistleblower is encouraged to:
- make a protected report in writing; and
- provide their name and contact number or email address so that the receiving officer may, if necessary, contact the Whistleblower for more information.
However, a Whistleblower may choose to remain anonymous.
3. Protected reports received will be maintained by the Office of Internal Audit. A review/investigation will be conducted and a summary of the protected reports, its status and outcome of investigations will be tabled for the Audit Committee’s information and/or necessary action.
4. In the case of an anonymous protected report, there may be occasions or circumstances in which, having taken all the information available into account, the receiving officer may not pursue the allegations due to insufficient information. As such, we encourage you to provide your contacts.