Dear Colleagues
It has been a year since I launched SMU 2025 which put in focus, our strategic plan to achieve the University’s Vision. In my State of the University Address this year, I would like to share with you the good progress we have made and to acknowledge all your efforts in staying resilient and pivoting swiftly in response to the challenges posed in this second year of COVID-19. Through your collective efforts, we received many excellent ideas to support SMU 2025, in addition to several initiatives which were already aligned and in progress.
With such a wealth of ideas and initiatives, it becomes important that we are able to progress at the appropriate pace, taking into account our resource capacity and organisational readiness, so as to ensure we optimise our ability to deliver on the desired outcomes. At my upcoming Address, I will share with you the directions, priorities and plans that will enable SMU to grow and flourish.
Please mark 24 September on your calendar and join me via Zoom then to learn more about SMU’s strategic priorities, planned initiatives and the University’s enablers to help us achieve our goals. I look forward to having an interactive session with you, including a live Q&A at the end of my Address.
Thank you.
Warmest regards
Professor Lily Kong
Singapore Management University