If you are unmotivated, it is difficult to start or complete even the most minor tasks. It is always possible to motivate yourself.
- Create a plan with clear objectives for your personal, academic and future work goals.
- Set priorities based on them.
- Reread your goals and priorities when you are not feeling motivated.
- Constantly practice doing something which you will usually avoid doing. You will realise that many things are actually not that difficult and are achievable.
- Make a list of your good qualities and strengths.
- Give small rewards to yourself along the way while working towards a goal instead of feeling happy only after you have reached a goal.
- Learn from your failures and missed opportunities. Focus on your successes and keep moving ahead.
- Think about the worst case scenario about a bad situation. Imagine the most exaggerated ideas and then laugh at them. Many sad failures and setbacks will no longer matter with the passing of time.
- Accept that it is okay to make mistakes. Forgive yourself, learn and never repeat the same mistake again. Give yourself ample time to reflect and change.
Starting early
- Getting started early gives you more time to adapt and adjust to mistakes. It will also ensure that you complete the task on time.
- It is normal to be nervous or tense. Convert that energy into something positive and let it motivate you.
- Take small steps towards your goals and do not be discouraged by obstacles along your way.
Pamper yourself
- Do not be overly competitive or compare yourself with others. Be realistic about your abilities and limitations.
Create the environment you thrive best in and learn to enjoy the work. - If you need to do a difficult or challenging task, improve the conditions by making it as comfortable as possible. Do it while snacking, listening to your favourite music or with friends around you.
- Always remember to reward yourself for a job well done.
Goal reminders
- Reflect regularly about your goals and objectives.
- Before the end of the day, complete a task which makes you feel good.
- Remember each day is an opportunity for a new start.