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Year of Publication: 2023

"Robust Bidirectional Poly-Matching" by LEE, Ween Jiann; TKACHENKO, Maksim, LAUW, Hady W., 1041-4347;1558-2191, 2023, 35, 10, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10762 - 10774.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st October 2023
"Tackling misperceptions about immigrants with fact-checking interventions: A randomized survey experiment" by CHOI, Syngjoo; CHOI, Chung-Yoon; KIM, Seonghoon, 0927-5371;1879-1034, 2023, 84, Labour Economics, Elsevier, 1 - 12.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Economics Published on 1st October 2023
"Third-party employer branding" by SAINI, Mukta G.; LIEVENS, Filip, A research agenda for brand management, 9781803925509, 2023, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chapter In BookLee Kong Chian School of Business Forthcoming
"Transfer pricing and crypto assets" by OOI, Vincent; RITTER, Ilka, Transfer pricing developments around the world 2023, 9789403501673, 2023, Wolters Kluwer, 197 - 216, Alphen aan den Rijn.

Publication Link
Chapter In BookSchool of Law Published on 1st October 2023
"Your cursor reveals: On analyzing workers’ browsing behavior and annotation quality In crowdsourcing tasks" by LO, Pei-Chi; LIM, Ee-Peng, 2169-3536;2169-3536, 2023, IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1 - 16.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st October 2023
"通过住房政策建设平等和包容的城市" by PHANG, Sock Yong, 国内外住房市场经验研究, 9787301343920, 2023, 北京大学出版社, 195 - 224, 北京.
Chapter In BookSchool of Economics Published on 1st October 2023
"Collective prompt tuning with relation inference for document-level relation extraction" by YUAN, Changsen ; CAO, Yixin ; HUANG, Heyan, 0306-4573;1873-5371, 2023, 60, 5, Information Processing and Management, Elsevier.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th September 2023
"Edge Distraction-aware Salient Object Detection" by REN, Sucheng; LIU, Wenxi; JIAO, Jianbo; HAN, Guoqiang; HE, Shengfeng, 1070-986X;1941-0166, 2023, 30, 3, IEEE MultiMedia, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 63 - 73.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th September 2023
"Housing Fever in Australia 2020-23: Insights from an Econometric Thermometer" by SHI, Shuping; PHILLIPS, Peter C. B., 0004-9018;1467-8462, 2023, 56, 3, Australian Economic Review, Wiley, 357 - 362.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Economics Published on 30th September 2023
"Revisiting the Identification of the Co-evolution of Production and Test Code" by SUN, Weifeng; YAN, Meng; LIU, Zhongxin; XIA, Xin; LEI, Yan; LO, David, 1049-331X;1557-7392, 2023, 32, 6, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 1 - 37.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th September 2023
"DBS bank: A tech company going all in on AI" by MILLER, Steven M.; DAVENPORT, Thomas H.; BHATTACHARYA, Lipika, 2023, 1 - 18.
CaseSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th September 2023
"DBS bank: A tech company going all in on AI" by MILLER, Steven M.; DAVENPORT, Thomas H.; BHATTACHARYA, Lipika, 2022, 1 - 21.
Teaching NoteSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th September 2023
"DScope: To reliably and securely acquire live data from Kernel-Compromised ARM devices" by CHEN, Zhe; QIU, Haiqing; DING, Xuhua, 2023, Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Netherlands, 2023 September 25-29, Springer, Cham.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th September 2023
"Distributed representation learning with skip-gram model for trained random forests" by MA, Chao; WANG, Tianjun; ZHANG, Le; CAO, Zhiguang; HUANG, Yue; DING, Xinghao, 0925-2312;1872-8286, 2023, 551, Neurocomputing, Elsevier, 1 - 12.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th September 2023
"Quantifying taxi drivers' behaviors with behavioral game theory" by JI, Mengyu; XU, Yuhong; CHENG, Shih-Fen, 9798350399462, 2023, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC: Bilbao, Spain, September 24-28: Proceedings, IEEE, 3016 - 3021, Piscataway, NJ.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th September 2023
"Skeleton tracking solutions for a low-cost stroke rehabilitation support system" by COIAS, Ana R.; LEE, Min Hun; BERNARDINO, Alexandre; SMAILAGIC, Asim, 9798350342765;9798350342758, 2023, 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR): Singapore, September 24-28: Proceedings, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th September 2023
"From hype to reality: A critical analysis of blockchain-based regenerative finance" by SCHILLEBEECKX, Simon J. D.; SCHLETZ, Marco, 2475-3718, 2023, 36, 9, Amplify, Cutter IT, 42 - 49.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 27th September 2023
"Self-financing, parental transfer, and college education" by LEE, Jungho; MYONG, Sunha, 2023, 1 - 84.

Publication Link
Working PaperSchool of Economics Published on 26th September 2023
"A causality-aligned structure rationalization scheme against adversarial biased perturbations for graph neural networks" by JIA, Ju; MA, Siqi; LIU, Yang; WANG, Lina; DENG, Robert H., 1556-6013;1556-6021, 2024, 19, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 59 - 73.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 25th September 2023
"Leader-expressed humility: Development and validation of scales based on a comprehensive conceptualization" by CHINTAKANANDA, Kraivin; DIEFENDORFF, James M.; OC, Burak; DANIELS, Michael A.; GREGURAS, Gary J.; BASHSHUR, Michael R., 0167-4544;1573-0697, 2023, Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, 1 - 18.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 25th September 2023
"University‐industry collaboration in project‐based learning: Perspective and motivation of industry partners" by PAN, Gary; SEOW, Poh-Sun; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; KOH, Kevin, 1948-5476;1948-5476, 2023, 15, 3, International Journal of Education, AIRCC Publishing Corporation, 18 - 32.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 25th September 2023
"University‐industry collaboration in project‐based learning: Perspective and motivation of industry partners" by PAN, Gary; SEOW, Poh-Sun; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; KOH, Kevin, 1948-5476;1948-5476, 2023, 15, 3, International Journal of Education, AIRCC Publishing Corporation, 18 - 32.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Accountancy Published on 25th September 2023
"Constrained multiagent reinforcement learning for large agent population" by LING, Jiajing; SINGH, Arambam James; THIEN, Nguyen Duc; KUMAR, Akshat, 9783031264115, 2023, 13716, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September, 19-23: Proceedings, Springer, 183 - 199, Cham.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 23rd September 2023
"Continual collaborative filtering through gradient alignment" by DO, Jaime Hieu; LAUW, Hady W., 9798400702419, 2023, Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Singapore, 2023 September 18-22, ACM, 1133 - 1138, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 22nd September 2023
"Graph-level anomaly detection via hierarchical memory networks" by NIU, Chaoxi; PANG, Guansong; CHEN, Ling, 9783031434129, 2023, 14169, Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Turin, Italy, 2023 September 18-22, Springer Nature Switzerland, 201 - 218, London.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 22nd September 2023
"Real: A representative error-driven approach for active learning" by CHEN, Cheng; WANG, Yong; LIAO, Lizi; CHEN, Yueguo; DU, Xiaoyong, 9783031434112, 2023, Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Turin, Italy, 2023 September 18-22, Springer, 20 - 37, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 22nd September 2023
"Uncertainty-adjusted inductive matrix completion with Graph Neural Networks" by KASALICKY, Petr; LEDENT, Antoine; ALVES, Rodrigo, 9798400702419, 2023, RecSys '23: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Singapore, September 18-22, ACM, 1169 - 1174, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 22nd September 2023
"Acceptance of communication technology, emotional support and subjective well-being for Chinese older adults living alone during COVID-19: A moderated mediation model" by NAI, Ze Ling; TAN, Woan Shin; TOV, William, 1932-6203;1932-6203, 2023, 18, 9, PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 1 - 14.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 21st September 2023
"Gain-loss domain and social value orientation as determinants of risk allocation decisions" by TSAI, Ming-Hong; HINSZ, Verlin B., 1354-6783;1464-0708, 2023, 30, 2, Thinking & Reasoning, Taylor & Francis.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 21st September 2023
"Producers' transition to alternative food practices in rural China: social mobilization and cultural reconstruction in the formation of alternative economies" by ZHANG, Qian Forrest, 0889-048X;1572-8366, 2023, Agriculture and Human Values, Springer, 1 - 16.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 21st September 2023

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