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Year of Publication: 2020

"Depletion manipulations decrease openness to dissent via increased anger" by TSAI, Ming-Hong; LI, Norman P., 0007-1269;2044-8295, 2020, 111, 2, British Journal of Psychology, Wiley, 246 - 274.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 1st May 2020
"Diversity of shareholder stewardship in Asia: Faux convergence" by GOTO, Gen; KOH, Alan K.; PUCHNIAK, Dan W., 0090-2594, 2021, 53, 3, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vanderbilt University Law School; 1999, 829 - 880.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Published on 1st May 2020
"Does Litigation Deter or Encourage Real Earnings Management?" by HUANG, Sterling; ROYCHOWDHURY, Sugata; SLETTEN, Ewa, 0001-4826;1558-7967, 2020, 95, 3, Accounting Review, American Accounting Association, 251 - 278.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Accountancy Published on 1st May 2020
"Efficient bilateral trade with interdependent values: The use of two-stage mechanisms" by KUNIMOTO, Takashi; ZHANG, Cuiling, 2020, SMU Economics and Statistics Working Paper Series, Paper No. 14-2020, 1 - 57.

Publication Link
Working PaperSchool of Economics Published on 1st May 2020
"Flexible Wildcard Searchable Encryption System" by YANG, Yang; LIU, Ximeng; DENG, Robert H.; WENG, Jian, 1939-1374;1939-1374, 2020, 13, 3, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 464 - 477.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st May 2020
"Foreword" by PUCHNIAK, Dan W.; THOMAS, Randall., 0090-2594, 2020, 53, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vanderbilt University Law School; 1999.
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Published on 1st May 2020
"Geographical influences on the relationship between corporate philanthropy and corporate financial performance" by LU, Jane; LIANG, Xueji; WANG, Heli, 0034-3404;1360-0591, 2020, 54, 5, Regional Studies, Taylor and Francis Group, 670 - 676.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 1st May 2020
"Humility breeds authenticity: How authentic leader humility shapes follower vulnerability and felt authenticity" by OC, Burak; DANIELS, Michael A.; DIEFENDORFF, James M.; BASHSHUR, Michael Ramsay; GREGURAS, Gary J., 0749-5978;1095-9920, 2020, 158, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Elsevier, 112 - 125.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 1st May 2020
"Key regeneration-free ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption and its application" by CUI, Hui; DENG, Robert H.; QIN, Baodong; WENG, Jian, 0020-0255;1872-6291, 2020, 517, Information Sciences, Elsevier, 217 - 229.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st May 2020
"Platform pricing with strategic buyers: The impact of future production cost" by LIN, Mei; PAN, Xiajun Amy; ZHENG, Quan, 1059-1478;1937-5956, 2020, 29, 5, Production and Operations Management, Wiley: 24 months, 1122 - 1144.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st May 2020
"PMKT: Privacy-preserving Multi-party Knowledge Transfer for financial market forecasting" by MA, Zhuoran; MA, Jianfeng; MIAO, Yinbin; CHOO, Kim-Kwang Raymond; LIU, Ximeng; WANG, Xiangyu; YANG, Tengfei, 0167-739X;1872-7115, 0, 106, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 545 - 558.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st May 2020
"Robust Graph Learning From Noisy Data" by KANG, Zhao; PAN, Haiqi; HOI, Steven C. H.; XU, Zenglin, 2168-2267;2168-2275, 2020, 50, 5, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1833 - 1843.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st May 2020
"Route choice behaviour and travel information in a congested network: Static and dynamic recursive models" by RAMOS, Giselle de Moraes; MAI, Tien; DAAMEN, Winnie; FREJINGER, Emma, 0968-090X, 2020, 114, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Elsevier, 681 - 693.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st May 2020
"Singapore’s puzzling embrace of shareholder stewardship: A successful secret" by PUCHNIAK, Dan W.; TANG, Samantha S., 0090-2594, 2020, 53, 3, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vanderbilt University Law School; 1999, 989 - 1021.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Published on 1st May 2020
"The “cultural turn” of climate history: An emerging field for studies of China and East Asia" by WILLIAMSON, Fiona, 1757-7780, 2020, 11, 3, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, Wiley: 12 months, 1 - 10.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 1st May 2020
"A generalized formal semantic framework for smart contracts" by JIAO, Jiao; LIN, Shang-Wei; SUN, Jun, 2020, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25-30, Springer, 75 - 96, Dublin, Ireland.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"DFSeer: A visual analytics approach to facilitate model selection for demand forecasting" by SUN, Dong; FENG, Zezheng; CHEN, Yuanzhe; WANG, Yong; ZENG, Jia; YUAN, Mingxuan; PONG, Ting-Chuen; QU, Huamin, 2020, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), Honolulu HI USA, April 25-30, ACM, 1 - 13, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"Global Fields, Institutional Emergence, and the Regulation of Transnational Corporations" by LIM, Alwyn, 0037-7732;1534-7605, 2021, 99, 3, Social Forces, Oxford University Press, 1 - 26.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 30th April 2020
"Google summer of code: Student motivations and contributions" by SILVA, Jefferson O.; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; GERMÁN, Daniel M.; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; STEINMACHER, Igor, 0164-1212;1873-1228, 2020, 162, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 1 - 13.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"How our work influences who we are: Testing a theory of vocational and personality development over fifty years" by WOODS, Stephen A.; EDMONDS, Grant W.; HAMPSON, Sarah E.; LIEVENS, Filip, 0092-6566;1095-7251, 2020, 85, Journal of Research in Personality, Elsevier, 1 - 10.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 30th April 2020
"How to and how much? Teaching ethics in an interaction design course" by WADHWA, Bimlesh; LIEH, Ouh Eng; GAN, Benjamin Kok Siew, 2020, 2nd Annual Symposium on HCI Education A (Virtual) CHI 2020 Symposium, Honolulu, USA, 2020 April 25–30, Hawaii, USA.

Publication Link
Conference Paper (without Published Proceedings)School of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"Techniques to visualize occluded graph elements for 2.5D map editing" by FUJITA, Kazuyuki; HAYASHI, Daigo; HARA, Kotaro; TAKASHIMA, Kazuki; KITAMURA, Yoshifumi, 9781450368193, 2020, CHI EA '20: Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Virtual, Honolulu, April 25-30, ACM, 1 - 9, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"Understanding assignments: English, comparative and private international law: some possible implications" by THAM, Chee Ho, 0269-2694, 2020, 2020, Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 314 - 318.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Published on 30th April 2020
"VoiceCoach: Interactive evidence-based training for voice modulation skills in public speaking" by WANG, Xingbo; ZENG, Haipeng; WANG, Yong; WU, Aoyu; SUN, Zhida; MA, Xiaojuan; QU Huamin, 2020, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), Honolulu HI USA, April 25-30, ACM, 1 - 12, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"Why do people watch others eat food? An empirical study on the motivations and practices of mukbang viewers" by ANJANI, Laurensia; MOK, Terrance; TANG, Anthony; OEHLBERG, Lora; GOH, Wooi Boon, 9781450367080, 2020, Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, United States, April 25-30, Association for Computing Machinery, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th April 2020
"COVID-19 and its lessons for innovation" by TAN, Patrick, 2020, Perspectives@SMU, Singapore Management University, Centre for Management Practice, 1 - 3.

Publication Link
Magazine ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 29th April 2020
"A toolkit to deal with negative reactions in the Covid-19 crisis" by CHAN, David, 1692-9344, 2020, Straits Times, Singapore Press holdings, A17 - A17.

Publication Link
Newspaper ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 25th April 2020
"A cue adaptive decoder for controllable neural response generation" by WANG, Weichao; FENG, Shi; GAO, Wei; WANG, Daling; ZHANG, Yifei, 2020, WWW '20: Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, April 20-24, 2570 - 2576, Taipei, Taiwan.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th April 2020
"Are these comments triggering? predicting triggers of toxicity in online discussions" by ALMEREKHI, Hind; KWAK, Haewoon; SALMINEN, Joni; JANSEN, Bernard J., 9781450370233, 2020, WWW '20: Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, April 20-24, ACM, 3033 - 3040, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th April 2020
"Differentially private online task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing: A tree-based approach" by TAO, Qian; TONG, Yongxin; ZHOU, Zimu; SHI, Yexuan; CHEN, Lei; XU, Ke, 2020, Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Dallas Texas, 2020 April 20-24, IEEE, 1 - 12, Dallas, TX, USA.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th April 2020

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