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Year of Publication: 2020

"The other China Model: Daoism, pluralism, and political liberalism" by JOSHI, Devin K., 0032-3497, 2020, 52, 4, Polity, University of Chicago Press, 551 - 583.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 31st October 2020
"Deep reinforcement learning approach to solve dynamic vehicle routing problem with stochastic customers" by WALDY, Joe; LAU, Hoong Chuin, 2020, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Nancy, France, October 26-30, AAAI Press, 394 - 402, Menlo Park, CA.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th October 2020
"Online traffic signal control through sample-based constrained optimization" by DHAMIJA, Srishti; GON, Alolika; VARAKANTHAM, Pradeep; YEOH, William, 2020, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2020: Nancy, France, October 26-30, AAAI Press, 366 - 374, Menlo Park, CA.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th October 2020
"Reinforcement learning for zone based multiagent pathfinding under uncertainty" by LING, Jiajing; GUPTA, Tarun; KUMAR, Akshat, 2020, Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2020: Nancy, France, October 26-30, AAAI Press, 551 - 559, Menlo Park, CA.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 30th October 2020
"China’s Kweichow Moutai: Hangover on the horizon at the world’s most valuable liquor company?" by REDDY, Srinivas; APPASAMY, Lakshmi; JOSHI, Havovi, 2020, 1 - 15.

Publication Link
Teaching NoteLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 29th October 2020
"China’s Kweichow Moutai: Hangover on the horizon at the world’s most valuable liquor company? (A)" by REDDY, Srinivas; APPASAMY, Lakshmi; JOSHI, Havovi, 2020, 1 - 16.

Publication Link
CaseLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 29th October 2020
"China’s Kweichow Moutai: Hangover on the horizon at the world’s most valuable liquor company? (B)" by REDDY, Srinivas; APPASAMY, Lakshmi; JOSHI, Havovi, 2020, 1 - 2.

Publication Link
CaseLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 29th October 2020
"Dual-SLAM: A framework for robust single camera navigation" by HUANG, Huajian; LIN, Wen-Yan; LIU, Siying; ZHANG, Dong; YEUNG, Sai-Kit, 2020, Proceedings of 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 25-29, 1 - 8, United States.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th October 2020
"Gesture enhanced comprehension of ambiguous human-to-robot instructions" by WEERAKOON, Dulanga; SUBBARAJU, Vigneshwaran; KARUMPULLI, Nipuni; TRAN, Tuan; XU, Qianli; TAN, U-Xuan; LIM, Joo Hwee; MISRA, Archan, 2020, ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ACM, 251 - 259, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th October 2020
"Going digital? Mission possible: Hawkers United – Dabao 2020’s takeaway from the pandemic fallout" by LAU, Yi Meng; LO, Siaw Ling; LIM, Thomas, 2020, 1 - 8.

Publication Link
CaseSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th October 2020
"Going digital? Mission possible: Hawkers United – Dabao 2020’s takeaway from the pandemic fallout" by LAU, Yi Meng; LO, Siaw Ling, 2020, 1 - 12.

Publication Link
Teaching NoteSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th October 2020
"Knowledge enhanced neural fashion trend forecasting" by MA, Yunshan; DING, Yujuan; YANG, Xun; LIAO, Lizi; WONG, Wai Keung; CHUA, Tat-Seng, 9781450370875, 2020, ICMR '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Dublin, Ireland, October 26-29, ACM, 82 - 90, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 29th October 2020
"Preferences with changing ambiguity aversion" by XUE, Jingyi, 0938-2259;1432-0479, 2020, 69, 1, Economic Theory, Springer, 1 - 60.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Economics Published on 29th October 2020
"Responding to extremes: Managing urban water scarcity in the late nineteenth-century Straits Settlements" by WILLIAMSON, Fiona, 1877-7244, 2020, 12, Water History, Springer, 251 - 263.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 29th October 2020
"ViScene: A collaborative authoring tool for scene descriptions in videos" by NATALIE, Rosiana; JARJUE, Ebrima; KACORRI, Hernisa; HARA, Kotaro, 9781450371032, 2020, ASSETS '20: Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility: Virtual, October 26-28, ACM, 1 - 5, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th October 2020
"A taxonomy of non-dictatorial domains" by CHATTERJI, Shurojit; ZENG, Huaxia, 2020, SMU Economics and Statistics Working Paper Series, Paper No. 22-2020, 1 - 129.

Publication Link
Working PaperSchool of Economics Published on 27th October 2020
"From franchisee to startup: The birth of LiHO bubble tea" by RAMASWAMI, Seshan; WONG, Adina, 2020, 1 - 14.

Publication Link
CaseLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 27th October 2020
"From franchisee to startup: The birth of LiHO bubble tea" by RAMASWAMI, Seshan; WONG, Adina, 2020, 1 - 13.

Publication Link
Teaching NoteLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 27th October 2020
"Growing Mapletree: Singapore’s real estate finance company" by GEORGE, Gerard; BHATTACHARYA, Lipika, 2020, 1 - 12.

Publication Link
Teaching NoteLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 27th October 2020
"Growing Mapletree: Singapore’s real estate finance company (A)" by GEORGE, Gerard; WONG, Adina; BHATTACHARYA, Lipika, 2020, 1 - 21.

Publication Link
CaseLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 27th October 2020
"Growing Mapletree: Singapore’s real estate finance company (B)" by GEORGE, Gerard; WONG, Adina, 2020, 1 - 6.

Publication Link
CaseLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 27th October 2020
"Federated topic discovery: A semantic consistent approach" by SHI, Yexuan; TONG, Yongxin; SU, Zhiyang; JIANG, Di; ZHOU, Zimu; ZHANG, Wenbin, 1541-1672;1941-1294, 2021, 36, 5, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 96 - 103.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 26th October 2020
"Automated discussion analysis: Framework for knowledge analysis from class discussions" by GOTTIPATI, Swapna; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; GOKARN, Mallika Nitin, 9781728189611, 2020, 2020 50th Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE): October 21-24, Uppsala, Sweden: Proceedings, IEEE, 1 - 8, Piscataway, NJ.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th October 2020
"Did our course design on software architecture meet our student’s learning expectations?" by OUH, Eng Lieh; GAN, Benjamin Kok Siew; IRAWAN, Yunghans, 2020, Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, October 21-24, IEEE, 1 - 9, Uppsala, Sweden.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th October 2020
"Evaluating methods for students to identify and clarify doubts in computing design courses" by OUH, Eng Lieh; GAN, Benjamin Kok Siew, 9781728189611, 2020, 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE): Uppsala, Sweden, October 21-24: Proceedings, IEEE, 1 - 9, Piscataway, NJ.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th October 2020
"Experience report on the use of technology to manage capstone course projects" by GAN, Benjamin Kok Siew; OUH, Eng Lieh, 9781728189611, 2020, 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE): Uppsala, Sweden, October 21-24: Proceedings, IEEE, 1 - 8, Piscataway, NJ.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th October 2020
"Using student perceptions to design smart class participation tools: A technology framework" by GOTTIPATI, Swapna; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; NG, Wei Jie Mark, 9781728189611, 2020, 2020 50th Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE): October 21-24, Uppsala, Sweden: Proceedings, IEEE, 1 - 9, Piscataway, NJ.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th October 2020
"Efficient sampling algorithms for approximate temporal motif counting" by WANG, Jingjing; WANG, Yanhao; JIANG, Wenjun; LI, Yuchen; TAN, Kian-Lee, 9781450368599, 2020, CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Virtual, October 19-23, ACM, 1505 - 1514, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 23rd October 2020
"Peer-inspired student performance prediction in interactive online question pools with graph neural network" by LI, Haotian; WEI, Huan; WANG, Yong; SONG, Yangqiu; QU, Huamin., 2020, Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2020), October 19-23, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 23rd October 2020
"The virtual reality questionnaire toolkit" by FEICK, Martin; KLEER, Niko; TANG, Anthony; KRUGER, Antonio, 2020, UIST '20 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Virtual Conference, 2020 October 20-23.

Publication Link
PosterSchool of Information Systems Published on 23rd October 2020

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