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Year of Publication: 2021

"Regeneration first" by SCHILLEBEECKX, Simon J.D.; MERRILL, Ryan K., 2021, Handprint, 1 - 46.

Publication Link
ReportLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 25th August 2021
"Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe" by Van Doesum, Niels J.; Murphy, Ryan O.; Gallucci, Marcello; Aharonov-Majar, E.; Athenstaedt, U.; Au, Wing Tung; Bai, Liying; Bohm, R.; Bovina, I.; Buchan, N.R.; Chen, Xiao-Ping; Dumont, K.B.; Englemann, J.B.; ...; LI, Norman P., 0027-8424;1091-6490, 2021, 118, 35, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, 1 - 9.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 25th August 2021
"We’re in a climate casino. Here’s how to fight against the odds" by CHOW, Winston T. L., 1692-9344, 2021, Straits Times, Singapore Press holdings.

Publication Link
Newspaper ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 25th August 2021
"Malaysia: The new political normal, for now" by DETTMAN, Sebastian, 2021.

Publication Link
Blog PostSchool of Social Sciences Published on 24th August 2021
"Reproducibility companion paper: knowledge enhanced neural fashion trend forecasting" by MA, Yunshan; DING, Yujuan; YANG, Xun; LIAO, Lizi; WONG, Wai Keung; CHUA, Tat-Seng; MOON, Jinyoung; SHUAI, Hong-Han, 9781450384636, 2021, Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Taipei, Taiwan, August 21 - 24, Association for Computing Machinery, 615 - 618, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 24th August 2021
"Something in the air: Does air pollution affect fund managers’ carbon divestment?" by HUYNH, Thanh; LI, Frank Weikai; XIA, Ying Xia, 2021, SSRN, 1 - 69.

Publication Link
Working PaperLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 23rd August 2021
"Yung Kee: Resolving corporate governance troubles in a Hong Kong-based family business" by YANG, Holly; WANG, Rencheng; LIM, Wee Kiat, 2021, 1 - 18.

Publication Link
Teaching NoteSchool of Accountancy Published on 23rd August 2021
"Yung Kee: Resolving corporate governance troubles in a Hong Kong-based family business" by YANG, Holly; WANG, Rencheng; LIM, Wee Kiat, 2021, 1 - 8.

Publication Link
CaseSchool of Accountancy Published on 23rd August 2021
"A climate resilience research renewal agenda: learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for urban climate resilience" by PELLING, Mark; CHOW, Winston T. L.; CHU, Eric; DAWSON, Richard; DODMAN, David; FRASER, Arabella; HAYWARD, Bronwyn; KHIRFAN, Luna; MCPHEARSON, Timon; PRAKASH, Anjal; ZIERVOGEL, Gina, 1756-5529;1756-5537, 2021, Climate and Development, Taylor and Francis, 1 - 8.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 22nd August 2021
"AVA: Adversarial Vignetting Attack against visual recognition" by TIAN, Binyu; JUEFEI-XU, Felix; GUO, Qing; XIE, Xiaofei; LI, Xiaohong; LIU, Yang, 2021, Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), Montreal, 2021 Aug 19-26, IJCAI, 1046 - 1053, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 21st August 2021
"An empirical study of the discreteness prior in low-rank matrix completion" by ALVES, Rodrigo; LEDENT, Antoine; ASSUNÇÃO, Renato; and KLOFT, Marius, 2021, 148, Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Pre-registration in Machine Learning, Virtual Conference, December 13-20, 111 - 125, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 20th August 2021
"Code integrity attestation for PLCs using black box neural network predictions" by CHEN, Yuqi; POSKITT, Christopher M.; SUN, Jun, 2021, Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2021), Athens Greece, August 23-28, ACM, 32 - 44, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 20th August 2021
"Corporate governance in initial coin offerings" by GURREA-MARTINEZ, Aurelio; REMOLINA, Nydia, Technology and corporate law: How innovation shapes corporate activity, 9781800377158, 2021, Edward Elgar, 205 - 226, Cheltenham.

Publication Link
Chapter In BookSchool of Law Published on 20th August 2021
"Receiver-anonymity in rerandomizable RCCA-secure cryptosystems resolved" by WANG, Yi; CHEN, Rongmao; YANG, Guomin; HUANG, Xinyi; WANG, Baosheng; YUNG, Moti, 9783030842581;9783030842598, 2021, 12828, Advances in Cryptology: CRYPTO 2021: 41st Annual International Cryptology Conference, Virtual, August 16-20: Proceedings, Springer, 270 - 300, Cham.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 20th August 2021
"ThunderRW: An in-memory graph random walk engine" by SUN, Shixuan; CHEN, Yuhang; LU, Shengliang; HE, Bingsheng; LI, Yuchen, 2021, Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Copenhangen, Denmark, 2021 August 16-20, 1 - 17, Copenhangen, Denmark.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 20th August 2021
"Wistron vs. Luxshare: US-China trade war and its decoupling effects from China" by CHEE, Jonathan; GENG, Xuesong, 2021, 1 - 18.

Publication Link
CaseLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 20th August 2021
"Wistron vs. Luxshare: US-China trade war and its decoupling effects from China" by CHEE, Jonathan; GENG, Xuesong, 2021, 1 - 13.
Teaching NoteLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 20th August 2021
"An improved learnable evolution model for solving multi-objective vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand" by NIU, Yunyun; KONG, Detian; WEN, Rong; CAO, Zhiguang; XIAO, Jianhua, 0950-7051, 2021, 230, Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, 1 - 19.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 19th August 2021
"Learn to intervene: An adaptive learning policy for restless bandits in application to preventive healthcare" by BISWAS, Arpita; AGGARWAL, Gaurav; VARAKANTHAM, Pradeep; TAMBE, Milind, 2021, Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), Virtual Conference, 2021 August 19-26, IJCAI, 4039 - 4046, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 19th August 2021
"Anomaly and Novelty Detection, Explanation, and Accommodation (ANDEA)" by PANG, Guansong; LI, Jundong; HENGEL, Anton Van Den; CAO, Longbing; DIETTERICH, Thomas G., 9781450383325, 2021, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discover & Data Mining, Virtual Conference, 2021 August 14-18, ACM, 4145 - 4146, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"Context-aware outstanding fact mining from knowledge graphs" by YANG, Yueji; LI, Yuchen; KARRAS, Panagiotis; TUNG, Anthony, 9781450383325, 2021, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Virtual Conference, 2021 August 14-18, ACM, 2006 - 2016, Singapore.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"Data pricing and data asset governance in the AI Era" by PEI, Jian; ZHU, Feida; CONG, Zicun; XUAN, Luo; HUIWEN, Liu; MU, Xin, 2021, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 14-18, 4058 - 4059, KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"Distracted: Why students cannot focus by James M. Lang" by WONG, Joax; HARTANTO, Andree, 0963-8237, 2021, 30, 6, Journal of Mental Health, Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles, 364 - 365.

Publication Link
Book ReviewSchool of Social Sciences Published on 18th August 2021
"Forecasting interaction order on temporal graphs" by XIA, Wenwen; LI, Yuchen; TIAN, Jianwei; LI, Shenghong, 9781450383325, 2021, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Virtual Conference, 2021 August 14-18, ACM, 1884 - 1893, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"How to stop procrastinating when working from home" by NG, Tina Li Yi; HARTANTO, Andree, 1692-9344, 2021, Straits Times, Singapore Press holdings, 1 - 3.
Newspaper ArticleSchool of Social Sciences Published on 18th August 2021
"Learning to assign: Towards fair task assignment in large-scale ride hailing" by SHI, Dingyuan; TONG, Yongxin; ZHOU, Zimu; SONG, Bingchen; LV, Weifeng; YANG, Qiang, 9781450383325, 2021, KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Virtual Conference, August 14-18, Virtual Conference, Singapore.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"Pre-training on large-scale heterogeneous graph" by JIANG, Xunqiang; JIA, Tianrui; FANG, Yuan; SHI, Chuan; LIN, Zhe; WANG, Hui, 2021, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 21), Virtual Online, August 14-18, ACM, 756 - 766, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"Pruning-aware merging for efficient multitask inference" by GAO, Dawei; HE, Xiaoxi; ZHOU, Zimu; TONG, Yongxin; THIELE, Lothar, 2021, KDD '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Virtual, August 14-18, ACM, 585 - 595, New York.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021
"Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Survey 2021" by STRAUGHAN, Paulin; MATHEW, Mathews, 2021, Singapore Management University, 1 - 24, Singapore.

Publication Link
ReportSchool of Social Sciences Published on 18th August 2021
"The 4th workshop on heterogeneous information network analysis and applications (HENA 2021)" by SHI, Chuan; FANG, Yuan; YE, Yanfang; ZHANG, Jiawei, 2021, Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 14-18, ACM, 4157 - 4158, Virtual Conference.

Publication Link
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 18th August 2021

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