Year of Publication: Unknown |
"Cambodia's tryst with International Law" by MAHDEV, Mohan, The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Asia, 0, Oxford University Press. |
"Commandments and conversations: Regulating Singapore's historical built environment" by LEE, Jack Tsen-Ta, The cultural politics of heritage making in Singapore, 0, Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore. |
"Common Threshold in Quantile Regressions with an Application to Pricing for Reputation" by SU, Liangjun; XU, Pai, 0. |
"Concerted cultivation" Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd Edition), 0. |
"Conflict of Laws" by Yeo Tiong Min, Law and Technology in Singapore (Second Edition), 2025, Academy Publishing, Singapore. |
"Core determining class: Construction, approximation and inference" by LUO, Ye; WANG, Hai, 2017, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. |
"Corporate actions and the manipulation of retail investors in China: An analysis of stock splits" by TITMAN, Sheridan; WEI, Chi Shen; ZHAO Bin, 0304-405X, 2022, Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier. |
"Creating a new management university: Tracking the strategy of Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore (1997 – 2019/20)" by THOMAS, Howard; WILSON, Alexander; LEE, Michelle P., 2022, Routledge, London. |
"Diversity Maximization Speedup for Localizing Faults in Single-Fault and Multi-Fault Programs" by Xin XIA; Liang GONG; Tien-Duy B. LE; David LO; Lingxiao JIANG; Hongyu ZHANG; Journal of Automated Software Engineering, 2016, 1 - 33, Journal of Automated Software Engineering. |
"Divestment of Changi International Airport Services by Temasek Holdings" by Terence Fan, Changhyun Kim and Koh Chaik Ming, 0. |
"Impact Assessments of Artificial Intelligence on Employment and Skills: A Review and Implications" by Feichin Ted Tschang, Hisashi Yagamata, Joshua Nair, Esteve Almirall, AI Impact Assessment: methods and practices, 2024, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. |
"Imprinting-like effects of early adolescent music." by Fu, J.; Tan, L. K. L.; Li, N. P.; Wang, X. T., 0305-7356;1741-3087, 2023, Psychology of Music, SAGE Publications. |
"Information Technology and Competitive Strategy in a Networked Economy" by KAUFFMAN, R.J.; Weber, T.A.; Wu, D.J., 0742-1222;1557-928X, 0, 29, 2, Journal of Management Information Systems, Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles, 7 - 10. Publication Link |
"Innovations for Earth" by Merrill, Ryan; Schillebeeckx, Simon J. D., 2019, Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance, United Nations Environment, 1 - 65, Switzerland. |
"Internet security – Digital certificates" by SIAU, K., 1997. |
"Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and the battle of the consoles" by DE REYCK, B., 0. |
"Moore’s Paradox for God" 0. |
"National Report for Singapore" by GURREA MARTINEZ, Aurelio; LOO, Wee Ling, Secured Creditors in Insolvency (Oxford International Comparative Insolvency Law Series), 0, Oxford University Press. |
"National University Cancer Institute Singapore: Pioneering An Innovative Healthcare Model" by MACK, Daniel Z.; LANGE, Katharina; CHAN, C.W.; WONG, Adina, 0. |
"Operations executives and the strategy process: Functional deliberation versus top-level communication" by DEMEESTER, Lieven; GRAHOVAC, Jovan, 2015. |
"Phytopharm plc." by DE REYCK, B., 0. |
"Project portfolio management at Novartis Pharma" by DE REYCK. B., 0. |
"REC solar: Strategizing the solar coaster" by GENG, Xuesong; BHATTACHARYA, Lipika, 2018. |
"Reengineering Trading and Treasury Operations in International Financial Services" by Dhar, V.; Duliba, K. A.; KAUFFMAN, R.J., Global Information Systems and Technology: Focus on the Organization and Its Functional Areas, 9781878289216, 0, Idea Group, 186 - 221, Middletown, PA. Publication Link |
"Seeing is believing: Analysts\342\200\231 corporate site visits" by CHENG, Qiang; DU, Fei; WANG, Xin; WANG, Yutao, 1380-6653;1573-7136, 2015, Review of Accounting Studies, Springer Verlag (Germany). |
"Seven HCI Grand Challenges Revisited: Five-Year Progress" by Stephanidis, C., Salvendy, G., Antona, M., Duffy, V., Gao, Q., Karwowski, W., Konomi, S., Nah, F., Ntoa, S., Rau, P., Siau, K., Zhou, J., 2024. |
"Short sellers and corporate disclosure" by Chen, X., Q. Cheng, T. Luo, and H. Yue, 0823-9150;1911-3846, 0, Contemporary Accounting Research, Canadian Academic Accounting Association. |
"Short sellers and corporate disclosure" by Chen, X., Q. Cheng, T. Luo, and H. Yue, 0823-9150;1911-3846, 0, Contemporary Accounting Research, Canadian Academic Accounting Association. |
"Sieve Estimation of Time Varying Panel Data Models with Latent Structures" by SU, Liangjun; WANG, Xia; JIN, Sainan, 0735-0015;1537-2707, 0, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles. |
"Space, boundaries and borders in the study of religion, gender and society" by WOODS, Orlando, The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Gender and Society, 2021, Routledge. |