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Year of Publication: 2026

"Quantitative bounds on resource usage of probabilistic programs" by CHATTERJEE, Krishnendu; GOHARSHADY, Amir Kafshdar; MEGGENDORFER, Tobias; ZIKELIC, Dorde, 2475-1421, 2024, 8, OOPSLA, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 362 - 391.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 4th May 2026
"Portrait shadow removal via self-exemplar illumination equalization" by HUANG, Qian; XU, Cheng; LI, Guiqing; WU, Ziheng; LIU, Shengxin; HE, Shengfeng, 9798400706868, 2024, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2024) : Melbourne, Australia, October 28 - November 1, Association for Computing Machinery, 7474 - 7482, Melbourne, Australia.
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 10th April 2026
"Weakly supervised video anomaly detection and localization with spatio-temporal prompts" by WU, Peng; ZHOU, Xuerong; PANG, Guansong; YANG, Zhiwei; YAN, Qingsen; WANG, Peng; ZHANG, Yanning, 2024, Proceedings of 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2024) : Melbourne, Australia, October 28 - November 1, Association for Computing Machinery, 9301 - 9310, Melbourne, Australia.
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 10th April 2026

Year of Publication: 2025

"Equivalence and similarity refutation for probabilistic programs" by CHATTERJEE, Krishnendu; GOHARSHADY, Ehsan Kafshdar; NOVOTNÝ, Petr; ZIKELIC, Dorde, 2475-1421, 2024, 8, PLDI, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2098 - 2122.

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Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 6th August 2025
"Information production by institutions and information extraction by underwriters in hybrid IPO auctions" by CHEMMANUR, Thomas J., MA, Pengfei; WU, Chaopeng; YU, Qianqian, 2693-9312;2693-9320, 2025, 5, 3, Review of Corporate Finance, Now Publisher.
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Forthcoming
"On lexicographic proof rules for probabilistic termination" by CHATTERJEE, Krishnendu; GOHARSHADY, Ehsan Kafshdar; NOVOTNÝ, Petr; ZÁREVUCKÝ, Jiří; ZIKELIC, Dorde, 0934-5043, 2023, 35, 2, Formal Aspects of Computing, Springer (part of Springer Nature): Springer Open Choice Hybrid Journals, 1 - 25.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 6th June 2025
"Application of blockchain and Internet of Things in ESG data platforms" by NGUYEN, H.L.H.; MEGARGEL, Alan, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier.
Chapter In BookSchool of Information Systems Forthcoming
"Transformation of digital banking back-office operations using AI" by MEGARGEL, Alan; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; OBUCHETTIAR, Arul, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier.
Chapter In BookSchool of Information Systems Forthcoming
"Transforming global economies: The profound impact of digitalization" by RAMAKRISHNAN, Ramaprasad; MEGARGEL, Alan, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier.
Chapter In BookSchool of Information Systems Forthcoming
"Using vector embeddings to model macroeconomic regimes" by PARIKH, Nirav Janak; MEGARGEL, Alan, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier.
Chapter In BookSchool of Information Systems Forthcoming
"On strategy-proofness and the salience of single-peakedness in a private goods allotment problem" by CHATTERJI, Shurojit; MASSO, Jordi; SERIZAWA, Shigehiro, 0899-8256;1090-2473, 2025, 150, Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, 48 - 70.
Journal ArticleSchool of Economics Published on 10th March 2025
"A head-to-head comparison of situational judgment tests and assessment centers for measuring and predicting the same performance dimensions" by SHAKERI, Iman; LIEVENS, Filip, 0965-075X;1468-2389, 2025, 33, 1, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Wiley, 1 - 16.
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 28th February 2025
"Exploring key factors influencing depressive symptoms among middle-aged and elderly adult population: A machine learning-based method" by TRAN, Thu; TAN, Yi Zhen; LIN, Sapphire; ZHAO, Fang; NG, Yee Sien; MA, Dong; KO, Jeonggil; BALAN, Rajesh, 0167-4943;1872-6976, 2025, 129, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Elsevier, 1 - 9.

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Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th February 2025
"PTM4Tag+: Tag recommendation of stack overflow posts with pre-trained models" by HE, Junda; XU, Bowen; YANG, Zhou; HAN, DongGyun; YANG, Chengran; LIU, Jiakun; ZHAO, Zhipeng; LO, David, 1382-3256;1573-7616, 2025, 30, 1, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 1 - 45.
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th February 2025
"The role of surprisal in issue trackers" by CADDY, James; TREUDE, Christoph; WAGNER, Markus; BARR, Earl T., 1382-3256;1573-7616, 2025, 30, 1, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 1 - 34.
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 28th February 2025
"The Agility Paradigm: Rethinking regulatory policy commitments in Free Trade Agreements" by SCHACHERER, Stephanie, 1011-6702, 2025, Journal of World Trade, Kluwer Law International.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Forthcoming
"A new era of technology-infused retailing" by GREWAL, Dhruv; ROGGEVEEN, Anne L.; BENOIT, Sabine; Lucila Osorio Andrade, Maria; WETZELS, Ruud; WETZELS, Martin, 0148-2963;1873-7978, 2025, 188, Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, 1 - 11.
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 1st February 2025
"It's just a game! Effects of fantasy in a storified test on applicant reactions" by OHLMS, Marie L.; MELCHERS, Klaus G.; LIEVENS, Filip, 0269-994X;1464-0597, 2025, 74, 1, Applied Psychology, Wiley, 1 - 21.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Published on 1st February 2025
"Deploying chatbots to build students' critical thinking skills: Leveraging generative AI effectively and purposefully in higher education" by LIM, Sun Sun; MAKANY, Tamas, Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation, 2025, Springer, Cham.

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Chapter In BookLee Kong Chian School of Business Forthcoming
"Impact of achievement-oriented gamification in ERP systems: Examining subjective and objective user outcomes" by ADEBORNA, E.; NAH, F.; MOTIWALLA, L., 2025, “Impact of Achievement-Oriented Gamification in ERP Systems: Examining Subjective and Objective User Outcomes,” 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, 7-10 January 2025., Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii.
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Forthcoming
"LARA : A light and anti-overfitting retraining approach for unsupervised time series anomaly detection" by CHEN, Feiyi; QIN, Zhen; ZHOU, Mengchu; ZHANG, Yingying; DENG, Shuiguang; FAN, Lunting; PANG, Guansong; WEN, Qingsong, 9798400701719, 2024, Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024 (WWW 2024) : Singapore, May 13-17, ACM Digital Library, 4138 - 4149, Singapore.
Conference Proceedings ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 5th January 2025
"Administrative policies and the principle of consistency" by CHNG, K.; BLOOMSBURY, Public Law in the UK Supreme Court, 2025.
Chapter In BookSchool of Law Forthcoming
"Amazon versus Walmart: Clash or strategic complementarity" by KUMAR, Nirmalya, 2694-104X;2694-1058, 2025, Management and Business Review, Institute for Knowledge and Technology Management.
Journal ArticleLee Kong Chian School of Business Forthcoming
"Android malware detection based on novel representations of apps" by SUN, Tiezhu; DAOUDI, Nadia; ALLIX, Kevin; SAMHI, Jordan; KIM, Kisub; ZHOU, Xin; KABORE, Abdoul K.; KIM, Dongsun; LO, David; BISSYANDE, Tegawende F.; KLEIN, Jacques, Malware: Handbook of prevention and detection, 9783031662454, 2025, 91, Springer, 197 - 212, Cham.
Chapter In BookSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st January 2025
"Bi-objective dynamic tugboat scheduling with speed optimization under stochastic and time-varying service demands" by WEI, Xiaoyang; LAU, Hoong Chuin; XIAO, Zhe; FU, Xiuju; ZHANG, Xiaocai; QIN, Zheng, 1366-5545;1878-5794, 2025, 193, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, 1 - 25.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st January 2025
"Defining marriage in the constitution—A perspective from Singapore" by CHNG, K., 2752-9665;2752-9673, 2025, Comparative Constitutional Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Forthcoming
"Defining marriage in the constitution: A perspective from Singapore" by CHNG, Kenny, 2752-9665;2752-9673, 2025, Comparative Constitutional Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Journal ArticleSchool of Law Forthcoming
"FedART: A neural model integrating federated learning and adaptive resonance theory" by PATERIA, Shubham; SUBAGDJA, Budhitama; TAN, Ah-Hwee, 0893-6080;1879-2782, 2025, 181, Neural Networks, Elsevier, 1 - 13.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st January 2025
"Flowing together or alone: Impact of collaboration in the metaverse" by NAH, Fiona Fui-Hoon; ESCHENBRENNER, Brenda; CHEN, Langtao, 0167-9236;1873-5797, 2025, 188, Decision Support Systems, Elsevier.

Publication Link
Journal ArticleSchool of Information Systems Published on 1st January 2025
"Geopolitical changes and futures of CCAMLR" by LIU, Nengye, Geopolitical change and the Antarctic Treaty System: Historical lessons, current challenges, 9789819798087, 2025, Springer, 1 - 13, Singapore.
Chapter In BookSchool of Law Forthcoming

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