Year of Publication: 2026 |
"Quantitative bounds on resource usage of probabilistic programs" by CHATTERJEE, Krishnendu; GOHARSHADY, Amir Kafshdar; MEGGENDORFER, Tobias; ZIKELIC, Dorde, 2475-1421, 2024, 8, OOPSLA, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 362 - 391. Publication Link |
"Portrait shadow removal via self-exemplar illumination equalization" by HUANG, Qian; XU, Cheng; LI, Guiqing; WU, Ziheng; LIU, Shengxin; HE, Shengfeng, 9798400706868, 2024, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2024) : Melbourne, Australia, October 28 - November 1, Association for Computing Machinery, 7474 - 7482, Melbourne, Australia. |
"Weakly supervised video anomaly detection and localization with spatio-temporal prompts" by WU, Peng; ZHOU, Xuerong; PANG, Guansong; YANG, Zhiwei; YAN, Qingsen; WANG, Peng; ZHANG, Yanning, 2024, Proceedings of 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2024) : Melbourne, Australia, October 28 - November 1, Association for Computing Machinery, 9301 - 9310, Melbourne, Australia. |
Year of Publication: 2025 |
"Equivalence and similarity refutation for probabilistic programs" by CHATTERJEE, Krishnendu; GOHARSHADY, Ehsan Kafshdar; NOVOTNÝ, Petr; ZIKELIC, Dorde, 2475-1421, 2024, 8, PLDI, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2098 - 2122. Publication Link |
"Information production by institutions and information extraction by underwriters in hybrid IPO auctions" by CHEMMANUR, Thomas J., MA, Pengfei; WU, Chaopeng; YU, Qianqian, 2693-9312;2693-9320, 2025, 5, 3, Review of Corporate Finance, Now Publisher. |
"On lexicographic proof rules for probabilistic termination" by CHATTERJEE, Krishnendu; GOHARSHADY, Ehsan Kafshdar; NOVOTNÝ, Petr; ZÁREVUCKÝ, Jiří; ZIKELIC, Dorde, 0934-5043, 2023, 35, 2, Formal Aspects of Computing, Springer (part of Springer Nature): Springer Open Choice Hybrid Journals, 1 - 25. Publication Link |
"Application of blockchain and Internet of Things in ESG data platforms" by NGUYEN, H.L.H.; MEGARGEL, Alan, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier. |
"Transformation of digital banking back-office operations using AI" by MEGARGEL, Alan; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; OBUCHETTIAR, Arul, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier. |
"Transforming global economies: The profound impact of digitalization" by RAMAKRISHNAN, Ramaprasad; MEGARGEL, Alan, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier. |
"Using vector embeddings to model macroeconomic regimes" by PARIKH, Nirav Janak; MEGARGEL, Alan, Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 3, 2025, Elsevier. |
"On strategy-proofness and the salience of single-peakedness in a private goods allotment problem" by CHATTERJI, Shurojit; MASSO, Jordi; SERIZAWA, Shigehiro, 0899-8256;1090-2473, 2025, 150, Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, 48 - 70. |
"A head-to-head comparison of situational judgment tests and assessment centers for measuring and predicting the same performance dimensions" by SHAKERI, Iman; LIEVENS, Filip, 0965-075X;1468-2389, 2025, 33, 1, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Wiley, 1 - 16. |
"Exploring key factors influencing depressive symptoms among middle-aged and elderly adult population: A machine learning-based method" by TRAN, Thu; TAN, Yi Zhen; LIN, Sapphire; ZHAO, Fang; NG, Yee Sien; MA, Dong; KO, Jeonggil; BALAN, Rajesh, 0167-4943;1872-6976, 2025, 129, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Elsevier, 1 - 9. Publication Link |
"PTM4Tag+: Tag recommendation of stack overflow posts with pre-trained models" by HE, Junda; XU, Bowen; YANG, Zhou; HAN, DongGyun; YANG, Chengran; LIU, Jiakun; ZHAO, Zhipeng; LO, David, 1382-3256;1573-7616, 2025, 30, 1, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 1 - 45. |
"The role of surprisal in issue trackers" by CADDY, James; TREUDE, Christoph; WAGNER, Markus; BARR, Earl T., 1382-3256;1573-7616, 2025, 30, 1, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, 1 - 34. |
"The Agility Paradigm: Rethinking regulatory policy commitments in Free Trade Agreements" by SCHACHERER, Stephanie, 1011-6702, 2025, Journal of World Trade, Kluwer Law International. Publication Link |
"A new era of technology-infused retailing" by GREWAL, Dhruv; ROGGEVEEN, Anne L.; BENOIT, Sabine; Lucila Osorio Andrade, Maria; WETZELS, Ruud; WETZELS, Martin, 0148-2963;1873-7978, 2025, 188, Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, 1 - 11. |
"It's just a game! Effects of fantasy in a storified test on applicant reactions" by OHLMS, Marie L.; MELCHERS, Klaus G.; LIEVENS, Filip, 0269-994X;1464-0597, 2025, 74, 1, Applied Psychology, Wiley, 1 - 21. Publication Link |
"Deploying chatbots to build students' critical thinking skills: Leveraging generative AI effectively and purposefully in higher education" by LIM, Sun Sun; MAKANY, Tamas, Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation, 2025, Springer, Cham. Publication Link |
"Impact of achievement-oriented gamification in ERP systems: Examining subjective and objective user outcomes" by ADEBORNA, E.; NAH, F.; MOTIWALLA, L., 2025, “Impact of Achievement-Oriented Gamification in ERP Systems: Examining Subjective and Objective User Outcomes,” 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, 7-10 January 2025., Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii. |
"LARA : A light and anti-overfitting retraining approach for unsupervised time series anomaly detection" by CHEN, Feiyi; QIN, Zhen; ZHOU, Mengchu; ZHANG, Yingying; DENG, Shuiguang; FAN, Lunting; PANG, Guansong; WEN, Qingsong, 9798400701719, 2024, Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024 (WWW 2024) : Singapore, May 13-17, ACM Digital Library, 4138 - 4149, Singapore. |
"Administrative policies and the principle of consistency" by CHNG, K.; BLOOMSBURY, Public Law in the UK Supreme Court, 2025. |
"Amazon versus Walmart: Clash or strategic complementarity" by KUMAR, Nirmalya, 2694-104X;2694-1058, 2025, Management and Business Review, Institute for Knowledge and Technology Management. |
"Android malware detection based on novel representations of apps" by SUN, Tiezhu; DAOUDI, Nadia; ALLIX, Kevin; SAMHI, Jordan; KIM, Kisub; ZHOU, Xin; KABORE, Abdoul K.; KIM, Dongsun; LO, David; BISSYANDE, Tegawende F.; KLEIN, Jacques, Malware: Handbook of prevention and detection, 9783031662454, 2025, 91, Springer, 197 - 212, Cham. |
"Bi-objective dynamic tugboat scheduling with speed optimization under stochastic and time-varying service demands" by WEI, Xiaoyang; LAU, Hoong Chuin; XIAO, Zhe; FU, Xiuju; ZHANG, Xiaocai; QIN, Zheng, 1366-5545;1878-5794, 2025, 193, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, 1 - 25. Publication Link |
"Defining marriage in the constitution—A perspective from Singapore" by CHNG, K., 2752-9665;2752-9673, 2025, Comparative Constitutional Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing. |
"Defining marriage in the constitution: A perspective from Singapore" by CHNG, Kenny, 2752-9665;2752-9673, 2025, Comparative Constitutional Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing. |
"FedART: A neural model integrating federated learning and adaptive resonance theory" by PATERIA, Shubham; SUBAGDJA, Budhitama; TAN, Ah-Hwee, 0893-6080;1879-2782, 2025, 181, Neural Networks, Elsevier, 1 - 13. Publication Link |
"Flowing together or alone: Impact of collaboration in the metaverse" by NAH, Fiona Fui-Hoon; ESCHENBRENNER, Brenda; CHEN, Langtao, 0167-9236;1873-5797, 2025, 188, Decision Support Systems, Elsevier. Publication Link |
"Geopolitical changes and futures of CCAMLR" by LIU, Nengye, Geopolitical change and the Antarctic Treaty System: Historical lessons, current challenges, 9789819798087, 2025, Springer, 1 - 13, Singapore. |